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The deadline for Division II Voter Designation Forms has been extended to Thursday, July 20 at 5pm. They can be dropped off at the District Office or emailed to If you have any questions, please call 530-934-7794.

May contain: nature, outdoors, sky, ground, land, and scenery

2023 Elections - Board of Directors

Division I (Glenn County) Landowner Elected Position

Only one nominee filed to fill the position by the June 2, 2023 deadline. Therefore, the Glenn County Clerk will submit to the Board of Supervisors a request to make appointment in lieu of election.

Nominee Donald Perez will be appointed in lieu of election.


Division II (Colusa County) Landowner Elected Position

On August 29, 2023, there will be an all-mail ballot election for the Director position representing landowners in Division II.  The election will be conducted by Colusa County Elections department.

Division II is comprised of all that portion of the CBDD within Colusa County except for the precincts of Arbuckle, Grimes, and College City as they existed on January 1, 1988.

or land in multiple ownership, the landowners must file a voter designation form to exercise their right to vote. They must complete and return the voter designation form to the District office.  The deadline has been extended to Thursday, July 20 at 5pm.

A voter designation form must be received for land in multiple ownership in order for the landowner to receive a ballot.

Please find following the letter and forms for the election.

Landowner Letter.pdf2023 - Division II - Voter Designation Form FINAL v2.pdf2023 - Division II - Corporate Instructions Designation of Voter FINAL.pdf


Division II (Colusa County) Water District Elected Position

This position is nominated and elected by the governing boards of the water, reclamation and drainage districts located in largest part, or completely, within Division II. Division II is comprised of all that portion of the CBDD within Colusa County except for the precincts of Arbuckle, Grimes, and College City as they existed on January 1, 1988.

Nomination will be sought for the Division II Water District Director’s position from those water, reclamation, and drainage districts within the above described territories of the CBDD. The candidate nomination period for filing with the Colusa Basin Drainage District concludes at 5:00 p.m. on July 14, 2023. To be eligible for nomination of director, candidates must be nominated by an eligible water, reclamation, and/or drainage district as described above, and must be eligible to hold an elected office.  All nominations forms are due into the District office by no later than 5:00 p.m., July 14, 2023.

If a sufficient number of candidates exist for this position, written ballots shall be mailed to each eligible district within Division II. Ballots must be returned by August 31, 2023.