Request for Proposal: Grazing, Recreation & Farming Lease (Close October 13, 2023 at 1pm)
The Colusa Basin Drainage District (CBDD) is seeking proposals from qualified livestock operators who have the interest, experience, and capabilities to cooperate in achieving objectives for livestock production, rangeland health, conservation, and other management goals to be defined in a grazing management lease.
Property for lease is approximately 2,942 acres on both sides of County Road 302, east of County Road 303, approximately seven miles southeast of Elk Creek and eleven miles west of the City of Willows in Glenn County, California.
Required terms and conditions for bidding are contained in the official Request for Proposal packets.
2024 - Request for Proposal Conservation Grazing Lease.pdf2024 - Request for Proposal Conservation Grazing Lease Attachments.pdfProposals are due in the District Office by 1:00 p.m., on Friday, October 13, 2023.
All questions of clarification regarding this RFP must be submitted by email to and received no later than 10:00 a.m. on September 26, 2023. Questions will be addressed in an addendum to this RFP and provided to all interested parties.
If you are interested in submititng a proposal, please complete the following form. This will ensure that you receive the addendum.
Site Visit
Site visit shall be October 4, 2023. Interested operators wishing to view the available leases may do so on these days only, and under the guidance of the District’s management. Travel on the subject property must be done in accordance with CBDD’s policies at the time. Due to dry conditions and fire hazards, site visit will be limited to easily accessible roads and by foot. Reservations may be required and each interested party or interested business entity may be allowed to send only one representative depending on the level of response. Reservations will be made by calling (530) 934-7794, or emailing by 4:00 p.m. on September 29, 2023 in order to participate in the site visits. Once reservations are made instructions for further instruction on the visits will be provided.